a transmission on beauty, duality & self-solidarity.

True creator-ship cannot take root if the soil is not able to receive & be nourished by a variety of nutrients.

In other words: Your self-actualised life cannot unfold upon the land of preference.

In other, other words:

When we develop the kind of sight that can see clearly the gift inside of every single moment - be it spell bindingly beautiful or grotesquely ugly - we learn to rest in the truth. i.e hold our centre. Come what may.

In other, other, other words:

Life is a concoction of bitter & sweet medicine.

Divine revelation awaits those who acquire a taste for both.

What is this?

A teaching & practice weaving together written & audio transmission on, you guessed it, beauty, duality & self-solidarity.

An invitation into cultivating a body-mind-soul complex that thrives inside of the entire scope & range of aliveness.

A modern codex for building a sustainable foundation for creativity & creation.

& an in-depth teaching on the fundamentals of self-esteem.

The base ingredient of all bitter medicine is ultimately question:

What is it that you are yearning for out there, than can only be backed & cultivated from within?

This is for:

Anyone who wants to work with their nervous-system to hold contrasting experience in a more dextrous way, anyone who is committed to the practice of strengthening & BEing in their centre & really, anyone who desires greater access to seeing, feeling & knowing beauty across a wider range of life-stuff.

You will receive:

1 x 90 minute audio transmission.

1 x written manuscript of the recording.

1 x 18 minute somatic journey.

3 x writings to compliment the journey & support the process.

all pieces are accessible forever.

Your investment: £66

Terms & Conditions / Important information:

please use the correct email upon purchasing - everything will be sent there.

you are responsible for your investment. I am responsible for delivering the above services under “you will receive:” in exchange for the investment. I do not offer refunds a general rule. I trust that if you are entering into a container to be taught by me, that you have already gotten a feel for the way I deliver, feel confident in your decision to invest in this work, & understand that transformational work is a two-way street; that your participation inside of the container is integral. if for whatever reason you feel that I did not deliver on my side of the street, I am open to a connected conversation, always.

Upon purchasing you will be added to a mailing list (if you are not already signed up) that you can unsubscribe from at any time.