I have been bumbling around the realm of co-creation for a few years now & something I have come to learn, in a meandering & haphazard way, is that, creation is stunted by belief systems that express to the tune of:

If I could just get to the bottom of x block or heal x thing then I will have x thing / be x thing.

& is generously promoted by simply conceding that: 


Nothing needs to change. 

I am not a problem to solve.

I am enough, as I am. 

We have long entered a paradigm that asks of us to be on our path, in love. 

Where the directive is to become conduits for the creation of a world that collapses all structures of judgement & condemnation, within & without. 

& I think that is why you might have noticed, perhaps more so recently, that when the program of punishment & self-alienation is running within, it screeches. 

The dissonance is deafening. 

Because the air won’t hold it anymore.

Because the coping mechanisms you once used

to ignore the internal din have long dropped away. 

Because you know that it is not the truth of you.

That it never was

& never will it be. 


I Am Enough is an experience crafted in the spirit of embodying the truth that just is.

It is an exploration into what it means to live & create from this location.

Recognition of enough-ness is the realisation of limitlessness.

& as we expand in increments, the essence of this teaching is not only relevant, but instrumental at every stage of the journey.

I don’t need to convince you that you are enough & you don’t need to convince yourself. Because it literally, just is. 

We all came here to remember. 

& when we are established in this remembrance,

when we commit to sustaining it,

we become the miracle

& miraculous becomes a way of being.

You will receive:

A pre-recorded teaching + a pre-recorded guided practice

Your investment: £22

A quick little something about me:

My name is Rae & I teach, facilitate & create experiences + art at the intersection of natural law, embodiment & personal power.

“I began” as yoga therapist & over the last three years, my path of service has since developed & widened into spiritual mentorship + intuitive & transformational work.

My approach / style is a blend of penetrative transmission & multi-dimensional nervous system & somatic-shamanic work.

I am a seer & a feeler. I love creating experiences that are multi-sensory. I focus a lot of my offerings on the cultivation of presence & coming into alignment with the natural flow of life.