If living is an art that consciousness pioneered in order to know itself, attention is the craft that carves the passage through which its infinite power can flow.

The way in which you engage & orchestrate your senses becomes the symphony of creation.

Welcome to the



A community that is truly committed to being here. 

That is devoted to cultivating miraculous presence. 

That knows, with every cell, that attention is power

That bows in reverence to life as an artistry.

The era of working on yourself is over.

Nowhere to go. No place to arrive.

This is the era of I am here.

You are a bridge.

You are designed to move between worlds.

You recognise that the more deeply you anchor here, the farther your branches can reach.

You understand that now more than ever, you are being asked to land.

You see how this landing will move the collective into a default thriving setting.

You sense that a mass shift in attention is needed & that unfathomable dormant potential lives here, especially when that shift is in the direction of pure presence & embodied perception, creative flow, deep listening & heart-ful surrender.

You recognise the value of practising together, in community.

You see leadership & facilitation as a guiding current, not an ultimate authority.

The community serves Presence with a capital P.

Undistracted here-ness.

Unwavering in-the-body-ness.


In presence,

all is known, all is seen

& all is possible.

The Bones:

A monthly community mentorship call.

Regular live teachings added to a growing body of work on mind-mastery & energetics.

A community channel / practice space.

Additional livestreams, resources & journeys.

Access to the library of recordings + a vault of past transmissions & existing teachings. 

The doors are open. Join anytime.


This is a 12 month minimum commitment that will become a monthly rolling contract after the year.

£177 per month or 

£1777 pay in full.

There is a small application to fill out prior to joining.

I look forward to hearing from you!