chances are you’re here because you’re emerging.

From what, you might not be entirely sure.

& knowing might not be important.

but you’ve a sense of having reached a conclusion that spells an inevitable beginning. You can’t go back, but putting one foot in front of the other is proving burdensome as well, because:

You can’t see what’s in front of you.

And up until now, you have been able to see, or at least, you have been under the illusion of seeing. 

And up until now, to your immense chagrin, you have witnessed history unceremoniously repeat itself, because:

The price you pay for the perceived ‘security’ of being able to see where you’re going is that nothing. ever. changes. 

I mean, you might get a different car. Your hair will certainly get greyer. Maybe your local shop gets a refit and the trees on your street change colour. 

But the essence of that which longs to drive you, the force that is at this point, fucking screaming to move through you, remains enclosed by walls built from the same thoughts, the same feelings, the same ‘identity’, the same limitations, the same beliefs, the same bullshit. 

& you’re not here for it anymore. 

Guess what? Nor am I. 

In fact, I never have been here for it. I’m not here for your pain. I’m not interested in picking your scabs & poking at your bruises.

I’m not interested in zoning in on your insecurities & convincing you that something I have, something external to YOU, is the key.

I’ll tell you what I am here for:

I’m here for the self beyond the façade.

I’m here for the being-made-magic of infinite lifetimes that exists above the granular incidents that you think have defined you in this one. 

I’m here for the shimmer that’s been tapping at the window of your psyche, that persists in being seen and felt and LET IN, yet is frequently drowned out by the almighty din of manufactured identities; rotting carcasses that rattle your peace and house long-gone-off ideas about who you are and who you’re not. 

I’m here for the soul that relishes in its fluidity and has no interest at all whatsoever in knowing who they are, the soul that point blank refuses to subscribe to a notion that is fixed in time and space, because:

The price you pay for striving for a fixed sense of self is that nothing. ever. changes.

I’m here for the highest, widest & deepest expression of the self that ALREADY exists within you.

The question is: Are you here for it too?