Intuition is a river,

the body is the channel.

There is a very pervasive cultural program that has us respond to the changing tides of our felt senses with resentment, urgency & fear.

Sensation trickles, streams, pools & floods. 

& you think:

I could do without this. I don’t have time.

 So you try to dominate the ocean of your inner world & the resistance compounds.

The waves get bigger.

They crash against your insides & slosh out of your mouth onto the floor. 

The dams you build don’t last. 

(& the ones that do make you ill.)

We were not taught to revere the tides.

Not taught to slow down & bow down before them.

The sensate experience of energy in your body carries infinite wisdom. 

Everything you need to know.

Enduring internal safety, crystal clear clarity, & the illuminating discovery:

That nothing outside of you matters more than your relationship to the inner flow. 


Intuition is a river.

The body is the channel.

This is:





What’s it all about?

Body Of Water is a full day immersive experience with me (Rae) & Clare Heal. It is taking place on October 5th at 10am - 5pm, at Kings Road Yard in Pontcanna, Cardiff.

A more detailed overview of what we’ll be getting up to is below, but in short: It is a multi-sensory & multi-modality affair created in the spirit of devotion to the feminine current & cultivating a relationship to our inner-worlds that inspires peace, creativity, personal power & freedom.

Even with a decent understanding of what I was walking into, Body Of Water was a beautifully potent surprise. It took me to such depths within myself & reminded me of the power that lives within. I would 100% recommend & without a doubt attend again.

- Lisa James

Clare & I will offer a mixture of teaching & transmission, the practical application of somatic techniques & processes, & a very, very special extended experience combining my personal flavour of guided journeying + a modality called Inner Dance.

So, more on that:

I have been developing a style of body-centred journey work that I call Interdimensional Somatic Reconfiguration. & have found that this interweaving of the physical & non-physical is what allows the mind to go offline (or at least less online hahah) so that a space can open up for that thing that is infinitely wiser than the stream of chatter we are so often accustomed to, to drop in & be heard.

I combine sound & music with guided invitations to move, visualise, travel, imagine & feel. The process can be done in total stillness & could also involve a lot of movement. It is up to the practitioner to intuit what is needed in each moment. The experience is typically “inward” with eyes closed. Each person is guided to focus on themselves & their process.

Following on from this, Clare will facilitate an Inner Dance experience. The principles are very similar to above in that it involves internal & intuitive exploration, assisted & enhanced with sound & music. However there is more of a breath focus, the incorporation of the sensory element of touch (optional!) & much less - if any - verbal guidance. The Inner dance playlist is put together to induce periods of agitation, followed by periods of smoothing out & as such, is designed to increase the practitioner’s capacity to self-regulate.

Self-regulation is at the heart of it.

We feel passionate about providing effective tools & putting together deeply moving & beautiful experiences that remind people of their immanent power & limitless creativity.

We believe that experiencing more emotional freedom & physical ease in one’s life can be arrived at via a far more simple path than the mind is conditioned to believe.

This immersion is a culmination of a combined 30+ years studying, practicing & embodying the principles of a number of somatic disciplines.

We have so much gold to share & we are so excited to share it.

“I travelled from Cornwall to Cardiff to attend Body of Water earlier this year. I’d been following Rae on Instagram for a while and felt drawn to attending this workshop. The venue for the workshop was beautiful, and although right next to a cute little market in an alley, the space felt contained and safe. Rae and Clare have such a beautiful synergy and shared some beautiful insights before we dived into the magic. Rae guided us through a journey that took me deep and Clare took us through an Inner-dance session which resulted in many tears and a deep feeling of joy. Having no idea what to expect when I signed up but just feeling the pull, I can say it was worth the long drive. Together Rae and Clare created a very unique, healing and enjoyable space for me to explore my inner world.”

-Hilary Jean

More about us both:

My name is Rae & I teach, facilitate & create experiences + art, at the intersection of natural law, embodiment & personal power.

“I began” as yoga teacher & somatic therapist, & over the last three years, my path of service has since developed & widened into spiritual mentorship + intuitive & transformational work. My approach / style is a blend of penetrative transmission & multi-dimensional somatic practice. I focus a lot of my offerings on the cultivation of presence & coming into alignment with the natural flow of life.

My personal journey has been centred around addiction recovery & mastering my mind. I dedicated a number of my earlier years on this path to studying the neurology of complex trauma & addiction. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult & while I do not subscribe to the traditional psychiatric model of diagnosis, my personal experience & decoding of what is commonly described as ADHD - through a more spiritual lens - is deeply informative of my work in the world.

My name is Clare and I am an Amatsu Orthopath and teacher, NLP practitioner and Inner Dance facilitator. A large part of my work is emotional /trauma release and integration. One of my main interests is in how to best regulate our nervous systems and how to release trauma from our tissues/unconscious without this being traumatic itself.

Body, mind and spirit balance is not just a throw-away cliché ; the connection to this framework of wellness IS wholeness. & healing &  transformation is not only possible, but inevitable via the re-establishing of these synergistic elements. I have found the ancient and primal ways to be most effective in the strive back to life: touch, movement and sound.

& we will also be joined for part of the day by Guy, who will be adding a layer to the sensory element of the experience with the use of incense:

My name is Guy, and am here to share one of my main go-tos for my wellbeing: Incense, or as some call 'medicinal smoke', not incense sticks, but the burning of various botanicals, such as tree resins, barks and leaves, e.g. frankincense, on charcoal.

Incense has its origins with the indigenous people of our planet, having been used for thousands of years by Native American Indians and Aboriginal people, and more, as a medicine, for healing the mind, body and spirit, and in many types of ceremony.

Incense has served me well with helping transmute and transcend many different negative energies, uplift the spirit and make life more generally seem brighter, and it is with this purpose I will be sharing with you many different high quality incenses.

Location & Schedule


at Kings Road Yard, Pontcanna, CF11 9DF

(the following times are subject to minor changes, but offer a realistic overview of how the day will go.)

10am - 1:30pm: Introduction, teaching & discussion, group practise & practical application.

1:30pm-2:20pm: Lunch (Kings Road Yard has a lovely selection of food stools & there are shops very near by.)

2:20pm - 4:20pm: The extended guided journey & Inner Dance experience.

4:20pm-5pm: Integration & closing circle.

Your investment: £144

Spaces are limited.

If you need to split the payment into two instalments, please contact myself or Clare directly.

Please ensure you are prepared to be responsible for your investment. Refunds & cancellations are not generally offered.

More on the methods:

Inter-dimensional Somatic Reconfiguration & how it came to be (By Rae)

Having spent such a huge portion of my life out-of-body, to have then undergone a thorough descent back into it, has gifted me with the ability to walk confidently between worlds.

& I often - if not always - speak to those on the same thread.

Border-dwellers, sensitives, & those who are drawn to & have frequently found themselves hanging out in the liminal.

I have described the work I do as multi-dimensional but it is actually INTER-dimensional. It fosters the capacity to exist in & have awareness of more than one dimension at the same time. To be fully immersed in the sensual-physical while simultaneously participating in a restructuring process via the “unseen” realms.

I have called an aspect of my facilitation “journey work” or “shamanic” because people know those words & they sort of describe the basis of it. But they are not it. & I’ve been sitting for some time in the knowing I need to own what IT really is.

This mode of working is RICH. Beautiful. Poetic. Precise. & reaches to incredible depths. & I have personally experienced for myself & witnessed in others, it’s potential to alter & alchemise in a way that is not only sustainable & integrative, but does so with genuine grace & ease.

I’ve have said a handful of times that the deeper your roots sink, the wider & farther the branches can grow.

This is a sensitised AND solid nervous-system.

My trauma pin-pricked holes in the fabric of what we generally consider to be “reality” & opened up ways of seeing & knowing & feeling.

My transformation earthed the live-wires, optimised the circuitry & closed up the leaks, so that I could become a truly multi-dimensional creative being in a human body.

& it is this is the miracle that Inter-dimensional Somatic Reconfiguration is intended to be a template for.



No, it is for absolutely anyone. Everyone can benefit tremendously from this work. But it is worth mentioning that the female experience, womanhood & motherhood will be spoken to more prominently. So it is for anyone who is comfortable being in a space where those experiences are centred.

is this experience not suitable for anyone?

This experience is very accessible & gentle, however, we cannot guarantee the absence of intensity. In fact, intensity is part & parcel of transformation. The plus side of the journey work is that unlike a plant medicine journey, you can tap out whenever you want & Clare & I will be on hand if you need anything or just require some holding.

Certain types of breath work are contraindicated with pregnancy & we will check in with the group prior to the day to communicate around this & ensure everyone can practice safely. There are always alternative options should something not be suitable for you.

We will be using incense as a grounding tool so if you suffer with severe asthma or sensitivity to smoke & fragrance, this experience might not be suitable.

If you have any specific concerns or anything you’d like us to know about your health, please get in touch with us.

will doing this help me with pain?

We cannot guarantee a specific outcome. However, the practices & processes we offer can & may absolutely assist with physical & emotional pain. Consistent application & embodiment of what we are each bringing to this experience has worked for us. We can only share what works for us. We are confident that we teach things that work. We are intent on facilitating experiences that have the potential to profoundly alter people at a deep level, when they show up for the journey with an open mind & heart.

i’m worried i’m going to have a hard time

You might encounter material that is uncomfortable. & it also gets to be fun, easeful, humorous & light. Things tend to feel “hard” when we make the material that is surfacing mean something negative about us. We are hugely dedicated to transmitting this work in a way that de-programs punishment & judgement. It is front & centre, in fact.

Is the event “trauma informed”?

Despite specialising in trauma to a degree & despite having previously modelled many of my practices around it for some time, I do not personally subscribe to the trauma informed framework anymore, as I don’t believe that it is possible to create truly transformational spaces while also conforming to the idea of a “safe” space. I believe it would be irresponsible of me to make guarantees in that respect. I believe in facilitating spaces that cultivate safety as an internal structure. I believe that this is the only place true safety can exist. This is not to say that this work is not sensitive to, or cannot be profoundly useful for post-traumatic growth. Quite the opposite, in fact. If you are interested in attending the event, have what you would consider to be “active” trauma & are not sure if it’s suitable, contact me (Rae).

have another question? message me or clare & we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Otherwise, if Body Of Water is calling you, we’d love to have you.

If you need to split the payment into two instalments, please contact myself or Clare directly.

Please ensure you are prepared to be responsible for your investment. Refunds & cancellations are not generally offered.