Let's face it:

You know what's going on. 

You know it is all within you. 

You know what you are. 

You know that you are inherently free. 

You know. 

But something is snagging. You keep getting distracted.

The amnesia still takes hold. Old habits are dying hard.

You're intelligent AF, so you're good at lying to yourself & calling it self awareness.

It's just not been the right time. Things keep coming up.

Blah blah blah. 

No. Just no.

You are an offering upon the altar of the Earth. 

Your life is art.

Every moment is fresh & new. 

Nothing about what is needs to change

in order for your experience of it to transform

beyond all recognition. 

That is the centre you create from. 

That is where you truly blow the lid off of your creative potential,

& it is time to move from that centre, in earnest.

Your life is truly lived from the inside out. 

Your genius is in your immanence.

Your freedom is internal.

This is the bringing together of over a decade spent learning, journeying & refining the art of transformation. As the collective at large gets wise to the fact that the powers that be are not to be relied upon & digs deep to reveal its dormant, sovereign potential, there has never been a more prudent & monumental time to be offering this container to those destined to lead the new world.

During a time where the common place perception is my freedom is being taken from me, the task is to lock into & cultivate a relationship with that which cannot be taken. 

Imagine knowing, with complete, unshakable conviction, that your internal connection trumps everything. 

Imagine releasing the temptation to check out of life, for good. 

Imagine having zero doubts in your capacity to command your mind,

no matter what comes up.

Imagine re-sensitising so fully,

that the fear that you are not fully experiencing life vanishes. 

Imagine filling up your inner "void" with your (true)self, becoming full of god.

Imagine remembering who you are & never forgetting

One person, unshakeably connected & unconditionally in the house, creates unfathomable ripples. There are many who teeter on the edge of it. I’m looking for those who’re ready to step off the ledge, for good.

This is a serious, deep dive, one-on-one container, combining everything I have learned in the realm of the transformative arts. We will journey through your central channel & reconfigure the energetic infrastructure that supports it, so that: 

The root has weight. 

The sacrum is juicy.

The solar plexus is unobstructed.

The heart is soft. 

The throat is strong.

The third eye is focused.

& the crown is broadcasting the fucking truth. 

This is ultra bespoke, high level holding, with intricate attention to detail.

This is a thorough, multi-dimensional clear out.

This is a no going back point.

This is you, fully realised.

There are two options for play:

Four months / 12 calls

5 x 45minute - 1 hr mentoring 

7 x 75-90 minute - shamanic deep dives 

voice note access + flower essence support


Or for slower pace, where we spend one month on each energy centre:

7 months / 21 calls

1 shamanic deep dive per month with 2 x mentorship calls either side.

voice note access + flower essence support.


PIF, or payment plans to be pre-agreed & settled within the four or seven month month period. 

This is an application only container that will be followed up with a complimentary call to assess if it is the right fit. 

Apply below:

My name is Rae.

I champion presence, connection & flow.

I am interested in what it means to live in FULL intimacy & artistry.

I am excited by the prospect of being totally uncompromising in my expression & unguarded in my being, & excited to work with people who share that desire.

I do this work for the five year old inside me who always knew that magic was real. I support magical people.

I provide spiritual mentorship & offer a form of energetic & somatic re-coding that I call inter-dimensional somatic reconfiguration.

I am primarily on Substack: https://raedwyer.substack.com/

& instagram: @raedwyer_